What Sugar Scrub Manufacturers Don’t Want You to Know


Sugar scrubs are one of the best things to happen to your beauty routine since the discovery of the loofah. They smell great, they do wonderful things for your skin, and they’re simple to use. If only they weren’t so darn expensive, they’d be in every home in the country, right?

Well, there’s a dirty little secret about these fantastic scrubs that your local department store or downtown high-end salon doesn’t want you to know. And that secret is: you can make your own luxurious sugar scrubs at home for literally pennies on the dollar.

We know it sounds unbelievable, but it’s true! And if you don’t believe us, then let’s propose a challenge: try one of our delicious, simple, inexpensive DIY sugar scrub recipes below. If you don’t like it, or if it simply pales in comparison to your preferred gourmet brand, feel free to never take our advice on sugar scrubs again. It’s okay; we won’t feel hurt.

So, without further ado: enjoy some great recipes!

Sugar Scrubs 101: The basics

The great thing about sugar scrubs is how simple they are to make. The most basic scrubs contain only two ingredients: sugar, and oil. That’s it! That’s all you need to make even the most chapped skin (such as your feet and hands) feel silky-smooth.

The scrub works in two ways. For starters, the sugar granules are coarse enough to exfoliate away rough, dead skin cells in order to reveal fresh, healthy skin below. Next, the oil (regardless of whether it’s coconut, olive, or some other exotic extract of your choosing) infuses your skin with moisture. After a good sugar scrub, your skin will feel baby-soft and rejuvenated. Here is our simple sugar scrub recipe:

  • 2-parts sugar (white or brown)
  • 1-part oil (coconut, olive, almond, or whatever you prefer)

Store the mixture in an air-tight jar to avoid contaminants and bacteria growth. Use 1 tbsp. whenever you bathe, shower, wash your hands, or feel like treating yourself to a foot rub. And enjoy your new, pampered, touchable skin.

But if you’re still hungry for more, don’t let us stop you. Go ahead and read the next section for ideas on how to improve your sugar scrub game.

Sugar Scrubs 102: Getting’ Fancy With It

It doesn’t matter whether your sugar scrub is store-bought or made at home – the truth is that most scrubs have more than just the two main ingredients. Adding fancy extras can really improve the potency of your scrub, produce a pleasant, natural fragrance, or all of the above. So if you’re ready to get into the nitty-gritty (pun intended) of sugar scrub production, try any/all of the following:

Mix up your “base” oils. Sure, you could use just olive oil, or coconut oil all by itself, but why should just one oil have all the fun? Try combining coconut and almond oil to make your skin smell edibly good. Or try mixing olive and avocado oils for a truly nourishing skin treatment (avocado has high amounts of Vitamin E). The only limit is your imagination.

Throw in an essential oil. Okay, we have to pause a minute to explain the distinction: the difference between an essential oil and a base oil hinges on how much of each you should use in your recipe, and why. Depending on the size of your scrub, base oils will have large measurements, such as tablespoons or cups. Essential oils, on the other hand, should be used sparingly (usually no more than a few drops). This is because excessive amounts of direct contact between essential oil and human skin can be irritating; however, if you mix small amounts with a base oil delivery system, it can be great for your skin. Some popular essential oils include:

  • Peppermint oil (for a fresh, minty, revitalizing scent)
  • Lavender oil (for the beautiful fragrance and to calm nerves)
  • Tea Tree oil (cleanses and purifies)
  • Rosemary oil (clarifies and invigorates)
  • Lemongrass oil (fresh citrus scent, mild bug repellant)
  • Ginger oil (smells great, refreshes the skin)

But this is just a very small list. Feel free to do your own research and discover even more.

Use whatever sugar you want – or ditch it all together. It doesn’t matter whether you use brown, white, or artificial sugar. The important thing is that you have those granules in the mix for the purpose of exfoliation. It doesn’t even matter if you use a sweet granule, like sugar or sweeteners, or salt. And since there are many salts out there known for nutritive and restorative properties, it can be just as good (or better) than sugar. So don’t be afraid to mix it up and experiment.

Now that you know where to start, enjoy making your own sugar scrub at home!